Ujasiri Katika Hukumu
Kufikiria juu ya siku ya hukumu huamsha hofu mioyoni mwa watu wengi. Tunawezaje kuwa na uhakika kuwa tutapita salama katika siku ya kiyama? Mungu alisema kuwa atatupatia Mtetezi— Mtu wa kututetea katika hukumu kama wakili anavyokuwa mtetezi kwenye kesi katika mahakama za duniani. Kitini hiki kinatutambulisha kwa Mtetezi huyu na kutufundisha jinsi ya kuwa na uhakika kadiri tunavyotafakari juu ya hukumu inayokuja.
Sharing Hope Publication
Inapatikana katika
19 Lugha
One morning, I left my hotel room to attend an important meeting. I was late and so I drove fast—faster
than the speed limit allowed. Halfway to my destination, a police officer pulled me over and told me I must go to the police station! I felt very nervous and helpless because I knew I was guilty.
After the police officer opened a case file against me, I was taken to the nearby court for summoning. There, I happened to meet a friend who works as a lawyer. He was surprised to see me. When I explained my situation, he said, “Don’t worry. I will handle your case.” I was so happy. My own friend would be my advocate!
Because my friend stepped in to advocate on my behalf, the judge issued a minimal fine. I left the court praising God.
It is indeed terrifying to stand before an earthly judge. But it is nothing compared to what it will be like to stand before God on the great Day of Reckoning. If that day were to come tomorrow, would you be ready?
Preparing for Judgment
Some people respond to the coming Judgment with a casual attitude. They drink alcohol, smoke, gamble, go to nightclubs, and watch bad videos. They might know that these things are being written in the book of record, but they are trapped by the delusions of Satan (also known as Shaytan). They do not care.
Other people respond with excessive fear. They dare not miss a single prayer. They think of the torment of the tomb or the fire of hell so much that they forget God’s love and kindness.
But just like I had an advocate in the court of law, God has provided an advocate who will help us pass through the Judgment. You don’t have to be alone!
Who Is Our Advocate?
The idea of an advocate is not new. Every year, thousands of pilgrims visit shrines in North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Many people pray at the graves of great leaders, believing that they will advocate on their behalf.
It is good to respect those great leaders, but praying to them or asking for their intercession is completely haram. They are dead and can do nothing for you. Even the prophets are in their tombs, awaiting the Day of Resurrection.
Although it is haram to ask the dead to intercede for us, the idea of intercession itself is correct. But whose intercession is acceptable to God? It must be one who is:
Alive (because the dead cannot speak on our behalf).
Sinless (because one condemned by the law cannot advocate for others).
Who can fulfill these qualifications? There is none other than the beloved Jesus Christ, also known as Isa al-Masih, the one who is alive in Heaven and completely pure.
Think about it—is there anyone else who could claim sinlessness? Adam ate the forbidden fruit; Noah (Nuh) got drunk with wine; Abraham (Ibrahim) lied; Moses (Musa) murdered a man; David (Dawud) stole another man’s wife. You will not find a single prophet who never made a single mistake or never had to ask for forgiveness.
But Jesus Christ never committed any sin. He himself claimed, “He who sent Me is with Me . . . for I always do those things that please Him” (from the Gospels, also known as the Injeel, John 8:29).
Facing the Judgment with Peace
Jesus Christ is alive in Heaven and completely sinless. He is ready to advocate for me and you. And he is coming back very soon.
If he is coming back a second time, this means Jesus Christ is the final prophet. Yes, and more than a prophet—he is our Advocate, Master, and Peace in the Day of Reckoning. He told us, “Most assuredly . . . if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death” (the Gospels, John 8:51).
Jesus is not dead; he is alive! And he is building his community upon the earth even now. Sometimes he invites people into his community by appearing in a dream as a man in white or by giving us miracles when we pray to God in his name.
Do you want to have peace in the Day of Reckoning? Confess your belief in Jesus Christ. Why should we place our confidence in those who are dead and do not know how they will fare on the Day of Reckoning? Jesus is sure of his place in Heaven. Like my lawyer friend in the courtroom, he will help us.
You might be wondering if something so wonderful can be true. Jesus Christ said, “If you ask anything in my name, I will do it” (the Gospels, John 14:14). Make a test to find out if what I am telling you is true. If Jesus is powerful enough to meet the emergencies of life right now, then surely he can be trusted to be our advocate. Pray to God in the name of Jesus with a sincere heart and see what happens. You can pray:
Oh Lord, I would like to know if Jesus is really the one You have appointed to be our advocate in the Judgment. If it is true, please answer my prayer for (insert your need here). I ask for this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
If you would like to learn more about how to follow Jesus Christ, contact us at the information on the back of this paper.
Jisajili kwa ajili ya jarida letu
Kuwa wa kwanza kujua pale machapisho mapya yanapotoka

Tafuta Hadhira Yako
Machapisho Yaliyoangaziwa
© 2023 Sharing Hope Publications