An Immigration Invitation
Do you long for a better place? A place of safety, happiness, and rest? We long for something this world cannot provide because each of us were created for Paradise. Jesus the Messiah has already gone there. He knows the way, and in fact, He calls Himself “the way”! This pamphlet describes important truths about Jesus that help us get ready for citizenship in Paradise.
Sharing Hope Publications
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Abdul-Malek was a tired old man. After losing his wife and children, he had fled Iraq to escape from ISIS. Now he lived alone in Jordan as a refugee.
But there was a gleam of hope. He had a cousin living in Canada who offered to help him obtain employment. Enthralled, he applied for a visa and began to dream of an easier life. Finally, after several years of waiting, he was granted entrance to Canada. Abdul-Malek was ecstatic!
But his joy was short-lived. After arriving in Canada, he discovered that life after immigration is not easy. His work kept him on his feet all day. His neighbors were loud. Public transportation wasn’t easy to understand—and neither was the English language!
Abdul-Malek had always dreamed of going to a better place, but once he arrived, he found his heart still aching. He began to wonder if the longing he felt could be fulfilled by any location on earth—or if he would need to wait until Paradise itself!
Immigration to Paradise
Have you ever felt like Abdul-Malek? This desire for a better place is ingrained in the human heart and can only be fulfilled by entering Paradise, our true home. And it is a desire that will soon be fulfilled! The Signs of the Hour are taking place before our eyes, and this world is quickly coming to an end.
For centuries, the religious books of Jews, Christians, and Muslims have all predicted the apocalypse—that climactic threshold when we “emigrate” from this world into the next. All three faiths point to a Messiah-figure who will be responsible for the culmination of these final events.
Interestingly, this Messiah-figure in Christianity and Islam is none other than Jesus Christ, also known as Isa al-Masih. He was the Messiah when he lived in Palestine, but he has been living in Paradise for the last 2,000 years. He will eventually return at the final Day of Judgment.
The return of Jesus Christ is famously mentioned in the Bible, but Muslims believe that he is coming again too, since it is written in the Qur’an: “And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way” (Az-Zukhruf 43:61).
Just like an immigration officer gives important guidance on how to obtain a visa, Jesus Christ invites us to pay attention to His Sign so we will know the Straight Way to Paradise.
What Did Jesus Say Paradise Is Like?
The Gospels, also known as the Injeel, recorded that Jesus Christ said, “I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also” (the Gospels, John 14:2, 3). Jesus Christ says that he can take us to Paradise!
He also revealed some lovely glimpses of that place. He said, that
There will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or pain (Revelation 21:4).
We will have beautiful homes (John 14:2).
Both men and women will have equal dignity and rights (Galatians 3:28).
It is full of light, righteousness, and happiness (Revelation 21:21–25).
Truly, this is the place our hearts yearn for!
Why Jesus Christ Comes a Second Time
But God has sent many prophets and holy messengers. Why is Jesus Christ chosen to return a second time? This question is easy to answer with the same immigration illustration. Because obtaining a visa is not easy, many people hire an immigration lawyer, who knows the way. If we have a guide, we can trust him to help us.
Similarly, Jesus Christ is the only one who appears a second time because he knows the way to Paradise and can lead us there. He himself claimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6).
Every prophet and messenger sent by God has made mistakes and has had to seek forgiveness. But not Jesus Christ. He was sinless during the 33 years he lived upon the earth. This is why he was taken immediately to Paradise.
We must learn from Jesus Christ, the only sinless one, how to meet the entrance requirements for Paradise. Only in this way can we be entirely positive of access. Thankfully, we can learn from his book, the Bible.
Preparing for the Return of Jesus Christ
Isn’t it exciting that you can be sure of your immigration to a better place? You are invited to become a citizen of God’s glorious kingdom in Paradise! Soon Jesus Christ will come to bring us all to that lovely place.
Is it possible that you are following human beings who themselves do not know what will happen to them on that Day of Judgment? With Jesus Christ, you don’t have to doubt. Ask God to lead you on the Straight Way of Jesus Christ. You can make a supplication like this:
Oh Lord, my heart longs for a better place. Please deliver me and my loved ones from the difficulties of this world. I believe time is short. Please give me guidance so I may enter the wonderful place you have prepared for me. Amen.
If you would like to obtain an authentic copy of the Gospels, please contact us at the information on the back of this paper.
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