Do You Need a Miracle?
God has a long history of providing miracles for His people just when they needed them the most. The Bible tells us many stories about fulfilled prophecies, healed individuals, and incredible happenings that could only come in answer to prayer. This pamphlet offers several reasons why we can believe in the Bible as the unchanged Word of God and how you can approach God for your own miracle.
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A very large clan of family members were hoping for a better life and decided to migrate to a new country. The journey, however, was not easy; they had to cross a large desert on foot. There were snakes, scorpions, and high heat. If sick or weak clan members fell behind the caravan, they were attacked by bandits.
Soon they ran out of food, but their leader cried out to God for a miracle. The next day, when the people woke up, they found tiny pieces of something that looked like bread scattered all over the ground. It tasted delicious, like wafers with honey. And there was enough for everyone to satisfy their hunger! It took many days to cross the desert, and every day it rained bread from heaven. Praise God, they were saved!
This story might sound surprising, but it really happened. It’s one of many miracles told in the Bible, which you might know by the names Tawrat, Zabur, and Injeel. The Bible contains hundreds of true stories, many of them based on miracles that God performed in people’s lives. It is an important book for our times, when so many people need miracles of their own.
Modern-Day Miracles
In recent years, we’ve seen civil wars, revolutions, economic collapse, unemployment, infectious diseases, and death. I’m not sure what your situation is right now. You might be uprooted from your home. You might have a loved one hanging in the balance between life and death. You might be struggling to find a job.
Whatever your situation, God cares for you and is just as willing to make a miracle for you today as He was in ancient times. When you feel sad, you can find encouragement by reading the Bible, a book of miracles.
God’s Words for Our Time
Some people are hesitant to read the Bible because they’ve heard that it has somehow been changed. Perhaps this misconception is because of the lifestyles of many people who claim to follow the Bible. Sometimes we see Christians drinking alcohol, gambling, dressing immodestly, eating pork, and treating people unkindly.
But in fact, all these mistakes are condemned in the Bible. When Christians live in disobedience to God, this does not change the validity of His eternal Word. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever” (Isaiah 40:8). Do you think human beings are powerful enough to change God’s Word, or is it more likely that they are just misrepresenting it with bad behavior?
The Bible tells of when the prophet David (also known as Dawud) and his people were transporting the ark of the covenant, a large golden chest that contained the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments were God’s laws for moral living and were written on two large tablets of stone and placed inside the golden ark. In the procession, one man dared to reach out and touch the ark—and he immediately dropped dead!
If God would not allow presumptuous hands to touch the holy chest that contained His Word, how much less would He allow evil men to approach His written Word with scissors and a correction pen? God is great enough to protect His Word.
Objectively speaking, the Bible is the most verified book in human history. Not long ago, three Bedouin shepherds in Palestine—Muhammad edh-Dhib, Jum’a Muhammad, and Khalil Musa—accidentally discovered the Dead Sea Scrolls. This was a major archaeological finding that allowed us to compare today’s Bible with ancient Bible manuscripts that are around 2,000 years old. The match is astonishing, again pointing to the fact that God’s revelations cannot be changed. If you need a miracle, you can be sure that the Bible is a credible place to look! Here you’ll find amazing stories about prophets like Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Joseph (Yusef), Jonah (Yunus), Daniel, David (Dawud), and Solomon (Suleiman). You may have heard fragments about them in other places, but the Bible tells the whole story!
Come Find Your Miracle
Whatever crisis you might be experiencing, the Bible has a miracle story just for you:
Are you or a loved one sick? Read about the miraculous healing of Naaman, the Syrian general with leprosy.
Are you struggling to feed your family? Read about the Lebanese widow and her son, who survived a long famine on one little jar of oil and a handful of flour that never ran out.
Is your life in danger? Read about Ebed-Melech, an Ethiopian slave in the king’s palace, whose life was saved during wartime because of his faith in God.
Do you feel like you’re an outcast? Read about Hagar the Egyptian, who saw the miracles of God when she was rejected.
Are you sinking beneath the troubles of life? Read about when Jesus Christ stretched out his hand and calmed a mighty storm to save his disciples from shipwreck.
Miraculous Answers
As we read the Bible, we are filled with confidence to pray with positive expectation.
Jesus Christ said, “Whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive” (the Gospels, Matthew 21:22). When we read the stories of others who received miracles from the Lord, our hearts are inspired with hope to press our petitions heavenward.
Do you need a miracle? Be inspired by the miracles in the Bible and ask God for one of your own. He will certainly hear your prayer today!
If you would like to learn more about the miracles in the Bible, please contact us at the information on the back of this paper.
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