Mwisho wa Dunia

Mwisho wa Dunia


Siku zijazo za ulimwengu wetu si jambo la siri. Zilitabiriwa katika Biblia, kitabu cha Bwana Yesu Kristo. Yesu alituambia tufuatilie ishara maalumu ili tuweze kujua mwisho unapokaribia. Kama tukifuata mafundisho Yake na kumtumaini, tutakuwa na uhakika juu ya siku zijazo. Kitini hiki kinatuambia jinsi ya kujiandaa kwa ajili ya mwisho wa dunia na mwanzo wa milele.




Sharing Hope Publication

Inapatikana katika

7 Lugha




Ramandeep shifted his old body to find a more comfortable position. His joints ached more and more these days, and when he looked out over the fields of rice paddy, the colors seemed to blur together. He could hear his daughter-in-law preparing food, and he wondered if his family saw him as a burden. Aging wasn’t easy—neither for him nor for his caregivers.

He thought about what he had heard his guru say back when he was younger and could still walk to the temple. His guru said that there were four world ages—each one growing progressively worse. The final age—the Kali Yuga—would be the worst of all, full of vice, misery, and darkness. Ramandeep sighed. Perhaps the Kali Yuga was a bit like old age—a final degeneration of all that was once good. He heard the news, how people were dying from earthquakes, diseases, murders, and wars. The ones who didn’t die were becoming materialistic, depressed, and immoral.

When would this sorrowful world come to an end? Could his old body—and the degenerating planet—be reborn?

Foretelling Earth’s Future

I would like to introduce you to a divine foreteller, whose signs for the future I trust implicitly. He is the Lord Jesus Christ. He came to Earth as a human being, healing people and telling everyone how they could enter the Kingdom of Heaven. At the age of 33, He gave His life as a sacrifice. Then, amazingly, He rose again from death! He said that if we trust and obey Him, His sacrifice will achieve forgiveness and deliverance for us.

The Lord Jesus spoke about the future of our world and claimed that He would bring this present evil age to an end. His book, the Bible, is a book full of prophecy. We must pay attention to His predictions about how we can know the end is near.

The End of the World

One day, the Lord Jesus’ students asked Him, “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age” (the Bible, Matthew 24:3)? The Lord Jesus told them that the end of the age will be preceded by signs that help us know His coming is near. These signs include:

  1. False Saviors. The Lord Jesus said, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many” (the Bible, Matthew 24:4, 5). We must not be deceived by imposters claiming to be the Lord Jesus. His true coming will be seen all around the world—“like lightning that flashes from the east to the west” (the Bible, Matthew 24:27)—and will happen after the whole world is shaken by terrible and astonishing plagues.

  2. Wars and Rumors of Wars. The Lord Jesus said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (the Bible, Matthew 24:6, 7). As we reach the end of the age, wars will become more frequent and more severe. 

  3. Famines, Earthquakes, and Pestilences. The third sign He foretold was that “there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows” (the Bible, Matthew 24:7, 8). More than 20 million people have suffered from famine since the turn of the century. The 2015 earthquake in Nepal, which killed 8,000 people, was one of the deadliest in history. Disease has taken countless lives. Certainly, we are seeing what the Lord Jesus predicted. 

  4. Moral Degeneracy. The Lord Jesus said, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (the Bible, Matthew 24:12). It is estimated that there are an average of 91 rapes and 79 homicides each day in India. People are growing so self-centered that they no longer care how their deeds hurt others.

The Lord Jesus predicted all these signs that would precede His return in the clouds of glory. As we see these signs occurring, we may know that His predictions are true and that His coming is very near!

Preparing for the Lord Jesus’ Return!

Those who are living in selfishness, pride, and immorality will not be happy when the Lord Jesus comes. In fact, when He returns in the clouds, all their bad deeds will fall upon them in one destructive moment. They will seek to hide from Him and will cry out to the rocks and the mountains, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne!” (the Bible, Revelation 6:16). 

But those who trust in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus will, on that day, be changed instantly and given new and immortal bodies. They will float up into the clouds and escape this degenerate world forever.
If you would like to be one of those eternally happy individuals, you can pray this simple prayer today:

Dear Creator God, I believe the Lord Jesus is coming back soon. Please teach me how to know and trust the Lord Jesus now so that I will be among those taken up to Heaven. Amen.

If you would like to learn more about the Lord Jesus’ prophecies of the future, please contact us at the information on the back of this paper.

Copyright © 2023 by Sharing Hope Publications. Work can be printed and shared for non-commercial purposes without permission. 
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Jisajili kwa ajili ya jarida letu

Kuwa wa kwanza kujua pale machapisho mapya yanapotoka
