The Ultimate Deliverance
It seems like suffering will go on forever, but the Lord Jesus Christ said it will end someday. He promised to return to this earth to take His people to a place called “the Kingdom of Heaven.” In this wonderful place, there is no sorrow, no death, and no cycles of rebirth. We will live forever with the Creator God! This pamphlet tells us how we can be prepared for our final deliverance.
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On the shore of the Ganges, during the Antyesti rite, a priest is explaining the deceased spirit’s journey from one body to another toward its final destiny of moksha. A little boy in the crowd listens curiously. Turning to one beside him, he asks abruptly, “When does this end?”
He asks a question that many people wonder. How many births and rebirths are necessary before we can escape the painful cycle? It has been asked countless times throughout history, and yet no precise answer can be given.
Cycles of birth, death, and suffering are normal here on this Earth. But beyond this world, in the place where God exists, there are no painful cycles—only eternal, unending happiness. Thankfully, it is not necessary to pass through millions of deaths and rebirths to attain deliverance from pain and hardship. Let me tell you about something very exciting.
Escape from Suffering Forever!
A long time ago, the Lord Jesus came into this world in the form of a human being. He healed sick people and did many other amazing things. He also taught about a special place called the “Kingdom of Heaven.” He said that Heaven is a place where there is no sickness, no suffering, and no need for rebirth. Everyone in that beautiful place lives forever.
The Lord Jesus taught about this wonderful kingdom, and then He gave His life as a sacrifice to free us from the consequences of our bad deeds so we can go there if we wish.
Three days after His sacrificial death, He rose from the grave and ascended to the Kingdom of Heaven. He promised His followers that He would return at the end of the age to take them to Heaven.
Doesn’t this sound like a wonderful future? Jesus wants each of us to attain deliverance—to escape from suffering forever. But as the little boy asked “when does this end,” we also wonder how long it will take before we are delivered.
The Return of the Lord Jesus Christ
Interestingly, the disciples of the Lord Jesus asked the same question—when does it end? The Lord Jesus described the last days of this age as a time of intensified earthquakes, wars, starvation, plagues, and pestilences. People’s hearts will fail them for fear as they see trouble rapidly increasing. These will be signs of the Lord Jesus’ coming. Now we can see that we are living in the end of the age because all these signs are taking place.
Soon, the Lord Jesus will return as He promised. The dead will be raised from the Earth and given perfect new bodies, as the Bible says, “The Lord Himself will descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first” (the Bible, 1 Thessalonians 4:16).
At that time, the world as we know it will be destroyed, and evil will be eradicated. We will go to Heaven for one thousand years of happiness. Then, the Lord Jesus will re-create the world in beauty and perfection—free from death, pain, sickness, depression, and loneliness. And He promised that everyone who follows His path is guaranteed to be there. This is the Path of Jesus.
The Ultimate Deliverance
Jesus did not reveal the exact day or hour of His return, but He gave His followers many specific signs, which is how we know that His coming is very near—perhaps within your lifetime and mine. What wonderful news! At the coming of the Lord Jesus, we will be released from the consequences of our bad deeds!
If you would like to be among those who enter the kingdom of Heaven, there are three simple steps to following the Path of Jesus:
Believe in the Lord Jesus. When Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice, He carried the consequences of everyone’s bad deeds. He did this willingly so that He could give us deliverance from them. You can accept this gift by believing in it with all your heart, soul, and mind.
Develop a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus doesn’t want us to merely follow a checklist of religious duties; He wants us to know Him personally. We may pray to Him just as we talk to a close friend, opening our hearts and sharing all our secrets. The Lord Jesus promised to be with us every day through His Spirit, so we can talk with Him at any time.
Follow the teachings of the Lord Jesus. Jesus said we must be watchful and prepared for His coming. Living a life of devotion to the Lord Jesus means that we will follow His commandments, love Him with all our hearts, and always be ready for His appearing in the clouds. In the Bible, we will find everything we need to know to be followers of the Lord Jesus.
If you would like to learn more about how to follow the Path of Jesus in preparation for His return, please contact us at the information on the back of this paper.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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