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Bu dünyada kötü şeyler oluyor. İnsanlar acı çekiyor ve ölüyor. Ama gelecek için umut var! Hristiyan kutsal kitabı Kitab-ı Mukaddes, İsa'nın Kendisini seven insanları daha iyi bir yere götürmek için geldiğini söylüyor. Orada kimse hastalanmayacak veya acı çekmeyecek. Herkes sonsuza dek barış ve uyum içinde yaşayacak. Bu kitapçık bize Tanrı'nın hazırladığı güzel geleceğin bir parçası olabileceğinizi anlatıyor!
Sharing Hope Publication
12 Diller
Lee held his two little girls tightly as they maneuvered through the supermarket. “Be careful,” he murmured protectively. “Stay close to Daddy.” His head spun. He wasn’t used to going to the market like this. And he certainly wasn’t used to having to care for his children by himself.
By the time Lee managed to purchase some food and get on the bus with his daughters, he felt like crying. He missed his wife who had died a few short weeks ago. He missed her smiling face. He missed the meals she made and the way she cared for the children. He never expected that their life together would tragically end like this.
Why must he suffer so much? Why must his children suffer? Was this the best he could expect for the future?
Hope for the Future
As time went on, Lee wondered if religion might help him find a better future. But he realized that every religion offers its own solutions and not all religions are good. Where could he find answers to make sense of his loss? Wasn’t there any hope that he could reunite with his wife? Would the endless suffering ever be resolved?
Some philosophies teach that this world will steadily improve, but Lee could clearly see the opposite. Other religions offer a type of escape plan. They see this world as forever doomed and teach that God will rescue the good people when they die and take them to heaven. Some focus on nirvana, the idea of an indescribable permanent condition. But it sounds so impersonal. Lee wondered which view was the best.
The Christian Solution
Lee began talking with a Christian neighbor. He soon learned that the Christian holy writings, called the Bible, teach that this world is in a state of trouble because we have rebelled against our Creator (Genesis 6:5). But the Creator has promised to re-create this earth in its original perfection (Revelation 21:1). Those who have allowed God to heal their selfish motives will be welcomed into the new earth.
The Bible says that God the Creator “will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4). Suffering will be gone forever!
“The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then the lame shall leap . . . and the tongue of the dumb sing” (Isaiah 35:5, 6). Physical imperfections will be gone!
The natural world will also be restored. “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, the lion shall eat straw like the ox” (Isaiah 65:25).
How will this happen? The Bible says that God will come as a surprise (Matthew 24:36–42), but none will miss it because “He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him” (Revelation 1:7). There will be lightning and thunder, and the earth will shake (Matthew 24:27; Revelation 16:17–21).
A loud trumpet will sound. Those who have died believing the Creator’s promise will be restored to life. Together with the living believers, they will “be caught up . . . in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). What a happy reunion!
While God wants everyone to live in the new earth, ultimately the wicked will be destroyed (2 Peter 3:9–11). Afterward, God will re-create the world and welcome us into our new home free of pollution, suffering, and death.
Imagine the Re-created World!
As Lee read the Bible, he imagined the scenes it described. He could envision walking on a carpet of cool grass with his resurrected wife. They would have a picnic beside a brook, while their daughters played with a majestic tiger.
Once a week, they would join the great migration to the capital city where the Creator is enthroned (Isaiah 66:22, 23). They would walk along the streets of gold, their hearts bursting with joy and love for the Creator. Together, they would sing praise to God.
No one would grow old, become ill, or die. Joy and love would be complete!
Too Good to Be True?
Lee loved what he was reading in the Christian Scriptures. Sometimes, it seemed too good to be true, and all he could do was breathe a prayer of thankfulness. Life as a single father was not easy, but now he had peace and hope for the future!
Suffering is common to all human beings. It is easy to stop and focus on the problems. But there is good news! The Bible is a book that explains not only the origins but also the final destiny of our world—a beautiful destiny that involves you and me. And it can include all our loved ones too!
What About You?
Would you like to explore the possibility that God has a beautiful future for you? Would you like to know how He can heal your suffering? If so, pray the following:
Creator God, I want to believe that You can restore this world to its original goodness, but it seems too good to be true. Help me know if You are real and what Your plans are for me.
If you would like to learn more, contact us at the information listed on the back of this paper.
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