Как обрести вечный дом
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Создатель сотворил совершенный мир, в котором не было ни малейшего изъяна. Но первые люди совершили трагическую ошибку, и сегодня наша Земля уже не является безопасным местом для жительства. В Библии, священной Книге христиан, содержится обещание: Бог восстановит все в своей первозданной красоте, как это было в начале. Но как мы можем быть уверены в правдивости этого обетования? В этой брошюре представлено толкование захватывающего пророчества из главы 9 книги Даниила, которое вселяет в нас уверенность в том, что и все остальные слова Библии исполнятся так, как сказал Бог.
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Home—we think of it as a place for love, trust, and healing. And in this world of suffering and impermanence, our hearts yearn for a safe haven where we can find true rest.
Our longing for infinite serenity has a divine origin. The Bible, the Christian holy writings, tells about a Creator God who designed humans for an eternal, tranquil existence (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
But can we believe the Bible? Millions of people throughout history speak of the joy and peace they find in this book. But how can we know that its teachings are true?
Proof 1: A More Logical Explanation
Scientists suggest the Big Bang Theory as the best model to the universe’s origin. However, some scientists have admitted a fatal flaw—there can be no explosion if there isn’t something already existing to explode. This flaw suggests that a Creator exists.
The Bible teaches that God created a perfect planet with the first man and woman as its rulers. God intended for human beings to live safely and happily there forever as long as they honored and obeyed Him. However, the man and woman broke away from God by disobeying Him. Their actions brought impermanence and death to the world (Romans 5:12). Since then, humankind has longed to find a place of eternal security and rest.
But God did not forsake the human family. Rather, He promised to send a deliverer who would break the power of evil in our lives and cause morality and goodness to spring forth naturally from our hearts. He would open the way for us to return to our original home (John 14:1–3).
Proof 2: A Common Theme of a Deliverer in Various Religions
All throughout history, people from many countries and religions have had vague glimmers of this prophesied deliverer who would restore the planet and offer eternal life. But only the Bible prophesied a timeline for His coming. If this timeline can be validated by history, then we can know that the Bible, with its promise of an eternal home of rest, is true.
Proof 3: Verification of History
In 605 BCE, the Jews of Israel were taken captive as slaves by invading Babylonian armies. During this time, God sent prophets who called the people back to Him. These prophets also reminded the people of the promise of a deliverer and predicted when he would come.
Daniel, one of these prophets, had a vision that offered a specific 490-year timeline for the coming of the deliverer. This timeline would begin in the year when a king would decree that the Jews could rebuild their destroyed capital city, Jerusalem. Then, 483 years later, the deliverer would appear, and after three and a half years of service and teaching, He would be killed by evil enemies. Three and a half years after that, the good news of God’s promised restoration would spread throughout the world.
This is quite a prophecy! But can it be verified by history? The command to rebuild the city of Jerusalem went into effect in 457 BCE. Then, exactly 483 years later, the great teacher Jesus began His public ministry (in 27 CE). This date is known because the Bible identifies Jesus as the deliverer during the 15th year of Tiberius Caesar, a Roman emperor well-known in history (Luke 3:1, 2). Numerous other eyewitness accounts contain references to political and geographical entities that are historically verifiable. Jesus perfectly fulfilled the prophetic timeline of the deliverer. But there is more.
The prophecy says that after three and a half years, the deliverer would “be cut off, but not for himself” (Daniel 9:26). Indeed, in 31 CE, Jesus was executed by the Romans. He then resurrected to prove His victory over death. Jesus’s followers preached the good news of the deliverer all around the nation of Israel—but then, three and a half years later, they took the good news to the whole world. This part of the prophecy can be confirmed by many Roman and Jewish sources that cite the explosive spread of Jesus’s teachings at this time.
The previous chart demonstrates the key dates and events of the 490-year prophecy of Daniel.
Proof 4: Changed Lives
This fulfilled prophecy in history is amazing! But one of the greatest proofs of the Bible’s authenticity is the changed lives of those who read it and accept the God of its teachings. Criminals have confessed their wickedness. People driven by anger, hatred, jealousy, and bitterness are now kind and loving.
What about you? Are you seeking a permanent and happy home? The Bible promises one! Will you ask Jesus to welcome you into the eternal life in the earth renewed? Contact us at the information on the back of this paper to learn more!
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